Help create more Holy Ghost Stories

600 times a day, someone presses play on an episode of Holy Ghost Stories. With your help, this storytelling effort can continue to bring people into fresh encounters with God and the Bible. Thanks for considering this.

Give once or monthly via Donorbox:

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Or support HGS through Patreon:

Level 1 - Anecdotalist


Thanks for fueling the fire and making sure these stories get told!

As a thank you for your patronage, you'll receive:

  • Secret Bonus Episodes — Patron-only mini episodes of Holy Ghost Stories (3 per season)

  • Full script of each episode

  • Exclusive voting power to choose future stories

Level 2 - Storyteller


We're in this together! As a generous patron of this work, you share in it—you deserve the title of Storyteller.

As a thank you for your patronage, you'll receive:

  • Remixed Scenes — scenes from HGS episodes recut to modern music (it’s super fun)

  • Discussion Guides — episode-specific guides for your small group, class, family, or personal reflection

  • Secret Bonus Episodes — Patron-only mini episodes of Holy Ghost Stories (3 per season)

  • Full script of each episode

  • Exclusive voting power to choose future stories

Level 3 - Raconteur


$50 or more?? Goodness. You're clearly here for more than the bonuses. I truly can't thank you enough for partnering with me at this level. We have so many stories to tell, thanks to you!

You, my friend, have earned the coveted title of Raconteur. According to Suleiman Osman,

"the a master artist who concentrates on the aesthetics of the story and the emotions it evokes in the listener. To hear a raconteur tell a story is like listening to a virtuoso musician skillfully playing with tempo and dynamics. He or she knows when to hold back details that do not add to the story and how to exaggerate the ones that do. Yet the raconteur never hopes to deceive the audience. Rather he or she has a tacit understanding with the listener that a poetic license is allowed, provided that any embellishment will never depart so far from the truth as to become fiction."

Well done, you.

As a thank you for your patronage, you'll receive:

  • Swag! — 1 Free HGS merch item of your choice every year (begins after 2 months of support)

  • Shout Out — A personal thank you from me to you at the end of each episode

  • Free Live Show Tickets — I'd like take HGS on the road for a live show or two in the future—if and when it happens, your ticket is always free because you're amazing.

  • Holy Ghost Stories Director's Chat - A patrons-only podcast where my wife (and editor) @JLGerhardt and I discuss an episode of HGS in detail, breaking down the story, the characters, and what we might stand to learn today (At least 3 episodes released between each season of HGS)

  • Remixed Scenes — scenes from HGS episodes recut to modern music (it’s super fun)

  • Full script of each episode

  • Discussion Guides — episode-specific guides for your small group, class, family, or personal reflection

  • Secret Bonus Episodes — Patron-only mini episodes of Holy Ghost Stories (3 per season)

  • Exclusive voting power to choose future stories